GP Training is dedicated to the development of all athletes around the world. Here with GP Training, you'll find the appropriate setting to not only enhance overall skill, but also have a chance to connect/grow your exposure. All athletes will receive hands-on training from NFL and other professionals athletes. Shine in an competitive environment to showcase your skill. We will conduct and record agility, speed and power tests along with 1v1/7v7 performance. Take the next step towards your future - it starts now.
Garrett Pemelton of GP Training
Founder | President | Head Coach
Vice President | Offinsive Line Coach | Recruiter
CEO | Offensive & Defensive line Coach | Recruiter
Public Speaker | Quaterbacks & Wide Reciver Coach
Head Media Marketing & Director | QB & Defensive Backs Coach
Chief In Office | Runningbacks Coach | Recruiter
Defensive Backs Coach
Wide Reciver Coach | Recruiter